Sunday 23 September 2007

Welcome to Class 3!

We are a lively class of 26 children. We keep Mrs Miller on her toes!

Since we came to Class 3 we have been very busy, learning how to work on our own - without an adult.

This term our topic is Houses and Homes. We have set up an estate agents’ office which we have called Thornbury Estate Agents in our role play area. We have many houses to sell!

In our Geography and History lessons, we have been learning about different types of houses. We have described and drawn our homes and surroundings.

We have used the My World computer program to make a map of our route from our home to school.
In Science, we have been looking at different materials and their properties.

We cut out the outline of our hands and glued different materials to them. We described how they felt.

Every week we have a maths question of the week linked to our numeracy work. There's a Math-a-magician pencil and a lucky dip prize for the first correct answer out of the hat!

In Art, we have been learning how to make observational drawings. We have made sketches of our friends. Can you guess who these children are?

We have been learning new playground games for playtimes in our PE lessons. We know the rules of games and how to play them safely.

In gymnastics, we have been practising how to perform basic gymnastic shapes – safely and with control.

Our Literacy work this term is based around traditional tales, especiallyThe Three Little Pigs. We had great fun acting out the story of The Three Little Pigs using voices for characters. We all enjoyed performing in front of the class either wearing masks or moving character figures.

During Road Safety Week, we invited our lollipop lady into our classroom to tell us about her job. We talked about where to cross the road safely to get to school and learned the Green Cross Code. We played a Safe and Sound Game, sorting picture cards into two sets - 'safe' and 'not safe'. As a group we agreed about the set to which each card belonged and explained why it belonged to that set.

In Numeracy, we have been learning how to measure length with cubes to find out who has the biggest feet in the class. We worked with a partner to draw around our feet. We then cut them out; estimated how many cubes they would fit from our big toe to our heel; then measured the length using cubes; and finally sorted them from the shortest to the longest.

In Literacy, Mrs Miller dressed up as the big bad wolf in the Three Little Pigs and told the 'real' story of the Three Little Pigs. We then asked the wolf (Mrs Miller!) questions about his version of the story. Then we took turns to practise hot-seating as one of the Three Little Pigs. In groups, we asked and answered questions about the story of the Three Little Pigs.

We became house detectives for a morning! We went on a walk around Thornbury to learn about different homes in our area. We looked at the similarities and differences between old and new homes - what they are built from and their different features.

We drew these fantastic pictures of homes that we saw showing all their features.

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