Sunday 6 April 2008

Term 4

This term we have been learning more about food and have had lots of fun doing 'food' activities.

In Art, we created portraits in the style of Arcimboldo. He used fruit to show human features. We drew different fruit, cut them out and made a collage of a face. Here are some of our terrific works of art.

In our History lessons, we have been learning about Sir Walter Raleigh and why he is famous. We used a teabag to make stained paper and drew a picture of Sir Walter Raleigh on it using charcoal.

We talked about the introduction of the potato plant. We know that people had different ideas in the past and that these were not always accurate.

We planned and made potato boats by scooping out potatoes and mixing the potato with a filling. We added oars. Then we ate them and, finally, we evaluated them.

In our ICT lessons, we learned about how we need to press buttons, remote controls or dials to make some things work. We looked at devices such as computers, toys and kitchen objects which are controlled in different ways. We explored following instructions and discussed how important it is to follow instructions in order. We learned how to use a Pixie by writing simple instructions and used buttons to control it. We stuck a boat template on a Pixie and pretended to help Sir Walter Raleigh discover some treasure by giving correct instructions to the Pixie. It was great fun!

For our Easter art and craft activities we used our previous learning of techniques for using clay to make egg cups. We thought about our designs and if we would change our egg cups in any way; and we also talked about what we found difficult about making them.

We made pop-up Easter cards and Easter baskets too!

In our Literacy and RE lessons, we talked about Easter and what it means to Christians. We retold the Easter story using pictures as a prompt.
We continued to learn about how to keep healthy in our Science, PE and PSHE lessons. We made posters to show how to lead a healthy life.
We enjoyed skipping and tennis workshops.

We also looked at reversible and irreversible changes using different foods such as popcorn, toast, ice-lollies and dough. We know that some changes can be reversed and some cannot.

As an introduction to our topic 'Living Things' in next term, we brought items from when we were babies into school and discussed how we have changed and how our needs have altered. We know that humans and other animals have babies and that these grow into adults. One of us has recently had a new brother and he visited us in school. We asked his Mum questions about his needs - exercise, talking, feeding, communicating. We talked about how his needs are similar and different to ours.
We are looking forward to next term when we will be going on a school trip to Bristol Zoo; performing a play called Wackadoo Zoo; and making fantasy animals. Watch this space!!

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