Wednesday 28 May 2008

Term 5

This term has been action-packed! So little time - so much to do! Only five weeks long! Our topic is 'Living Things'. We began by changing our role-play area into a vet's surgery. We've got lots of dressing up clothes - and poorly pets!

In our Design and Technology lessons we designed and made 'Fantasy Animals'. We researched different animals and drew our own imaginary one using body parts from a variety of animals. Then we worked collaboratively in small groups to put our ideas together to design and make a group animal. We even gave our animals a name!

Then we made our animals using junk modelling.

Then we covered them in masking tape.

Next we covered them using Modroc. It was really messy!

Finally we painted them.

Aren't they brilliant?!

We visited Bristol Zoo to help us with our learning about the features of living things in Science, and our research into an animal of our choice for a non-fiction page in Literacy. We thought about what information we wanted to know and made up our own questions using different question words.

We learned about how animals use colour and pattern at the Education Centre.We even got to handle some animals!

It was a very busy and hot day. But we managed to find time for the play area at the end of the day!

Our term ended with our performance with Class 4 of 'Wackadoo Zoo' which is a musical about happy animals who make the wrong sounds! Professors arrive to correct them. They all learn a valuable lesson about the importance of being unique and special. We all had a great time performing it - especially singing the songs!

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